AAT offers consulting services in the area of auto
damage appraisal operations. We are capable of analyzing your
appraisal operation in detail and making recommendations for improvement.
Recommendations range from new software utilization, existing
workflow improvements and bench strength analysis.
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Appraisal Operation Analysis:
Managing an appraisal operation can be a challenging
proposition. Handling the day-to-day issues as they arrive is hard
enough let alone being able to take a step back and look at how
things are operating. Even if that opportunity is there many times
we are bias based on our past experience and the perception of
obstacles. Let us come in and take a look at your operation and be
the unbiased set of eyes. We will look at appraisal flow all the way
front the point of claim generation to the final closing of the
claim. We will look to see how well claims are flowing through the
system and make recommendations that will make your company a
leaner, more productive claims operation.
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Cycle-Time Reduction:
Cycle-time reduction tends to be the big buzz word in claims today
and this is rightfully so. Cycle time improves operational
efficiency, lowers claims cost and improves customer satisfaction.
This is an area that no insurer can afford to overlook. This is why
we offer a service that will review your appraisal dispatch process
for your staff appraisers, direct repair programs and independents.
We will make recommendations that will help you be sure you are
doing everything you can to help people get back on the road quickly
and safely.
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Bench Strength Analysis:
Bench strength tends to be an area where many carriers struggle.
Have you ever found yourself with a high level appraisal position
open and no one internally to fill it? You are not alone. Many
carriers find themselves in this position routinely. We will look at
your appraisal department in detail and provide you with an analysis
based on three key metrics - technical ability, administrative
ability and employee engagement.
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One-on-One Field Training:
Field training tends to be a very challenging proposition for
supervisors today. Tasked with the handling of problem claims on a
daily basis, completing administrative duties and coaching and
providing feedback to others in the workgroup, new appraisers tend
to be sent out to complete assignments in more of a trial by fire
initiation. We offer services that will supplement your supervisor's
hard work by spending the necessary time in the field getting new
appraisers up and running more quickly and ultimately reducing
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Customized Training:
Please inquire directly with criterion objectives and we will be
happy to work with you in meeting your specific needs.
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Cost for services: All
consulting services above are based on an hourly rate of $85 per
hour. When travel outside of the Worcester, MA area is necessary,
travel expenses will be charged on an at cost basis for related
transportation, hotel and food costs. Depending on the scope of the
project there may be an additional at cost charge for necessary
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